Iranian Kurdistan: Man Sentenced to Death for Alleged PDKI Connections

Iranian Kurdistan: Man Sentenced to Death for Alleged PDKI Connections

Iranian Kurdistan: Man Sentenced to Death for Alleged PDKI Connections

Mohiaddin Ebrahimi, a Kurd from the Western Azerbaijan province in Iran, was sentenced to death on 23 September 2018. He was accused of cooperating with UNPO member the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran (PDKI).

Iranian Kurdistan: Man Sentenced to Death for Alleged PDKI Connections
Iranian Kurdistan: Man Sentenced to Death for Alleged PDKI Connections

He had been arrested in November 2017 and held for 14 months in prison before being tried in August 2018. During his trial, human rights organisations report he was denied access to a lawyer.

UNPO joins other NGOs in condemning this violation of Mohiaddin Ebrahimi’s right to a fair trial and calling for his pardon and immediate release.

Iranian judiciary authorities issued the death penalty to a Kurdish inmate over political activities and alleged membership in a Kurdish party.

Mohiaddin Ebrahimi, 40, was found guilty by a court in Urmiyeh, Western Azarbaijan province, of cooperating with the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran (PDKI).

Ebrahimi was tried on 20 August, and the sentence was announced on 23 September. He is originally from Alkawe village of Shno (Oshnaviyeh) district of Western Azarbaijan province.

According to Hangaw Organization for Human Rights, Ebrahimi did not have access to a lawyer.

He was a porter, carrying goods on the border area in November 2017 when the security forces injured and arrested him. He was previously in 2010 held for 14 months in prison for alleged cooperation with the Kurdish opposition parties.

Source: UNPO

Iran Briefing | News Press Focus on Human Rights Violation by IRGC, Iran Human Rights



Ebrahimi was tried on 20 August, and the sentence was announced on 23 September. He is originally from Alkawe village of Shno (Oshnaviyeh) district of Western Azarbaijan province. According to Hangaw Organization for Human Rights, Ebrahimi did not have access to a lawyer. He was a porter, carrying goods on the border area in November 2017 when the security forces injured and arrested him. He was previously in 2010 held for 14 months in prison for alleged cooperation with the Kurdish opposition parties.

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