7th June 2011
Despite earlier statements by prison authorities about his release, Mansour Osanloo, President of the Syndicate of Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company (Sherkat-e Vahed), was released only on a short prison furlough.
Union leader Mansour Osanloo came for a prison leave on Thursday night while prison authorities had previously talked about his release. “So we thought he was released but then they told us he has just come on furlough, and he must return to prison after the [June national] holidays,” Fereshteh Osanlu, the union activist’s sister told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran.
“We were contacted by prison officials on Wednesday morning to go and post bail for Mansour’s release. Since morning that day, we went after posting bail for him and we waited for him to come until 11:30 at night, when they said it couldn’t be done and to come back the next day. Again, we were looking for a custodian for him the next day, until they contacted us at night and said he was free and to go pick him up. When we got there, they said he was only coming on furlough, and that he must return to prison after the holidays again,” Fereshteh Osanloo told the Campaign.
Mansour Osanloo was arrested by security forces on 10 July, 2007 near his house and was sentenced to five years in prison on charges of “acting against national security,” and “propagating against the regime. With just a few months left to completion of his prison term, Osanloo’s doctors have repeatedly diagnosed him as incapable of serving the remainder of his prison term due to his heart disease. He has been hospitalized several times as a result of his three clogged arteries.