Blogger Hossein Ronaghi-Maleki Transferred to Hospital in Handcuffs

April 21, 2011

Blogger and human rights activist Hossein Ronaghi-Maleki who has been suffering from kidney problems in the past 4 months, has been transferred to a hospital for treatment.

According to the Human Rights House of Iran, after the follow-ups by his family, he was finally transferred to a hospital with handcuffs and leg irons and will undergo surgery in the upcoming days.

His family has agreed to pay for the treatment costs since the judicial authorities had denied his transfer to hospital due to their refusal to pay for the costs.


After his arrest in December of 2009, Ronaghi spent 10 months in solitary confinement units of the IRGC-run Ward 2A of Evin Prison. He suffered medical problems such as kidney infection due to the pressure put on him by the IRGC and was denied medical leave.

According to his physicians, he was in need of urgent medical care.

He was sentenced to 15 years in prison which was upheld by the appeals court.





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