23 , January , 2011
Esmaeil Sahabeh-Tabrizi, member of the youth branch of the Islamic National Front, who had been arrested in September and released 2 months later, was summoned to Evin Prison on January 22nd to begin serving his 4 year sentence.
Esmaeil Sahabeh was arrested during the Komeil Prayers ceremony at the house of Shahab Tabatabaei’s wife.
Esmaeil Sahabeh was sentenced to 4.5 years in prison by Judge Salavati in August for being one of the organizers of the Komeil Prayers ceremony.
Surprisngly Judge Salavati had been absent during the hearing and had issued the verdict without listening to Sahabeh’s defense.
The appeals court reduced his sentence to 4 years in prison.
Saeid Nourmohammadi, another member of the Islamic National Front, was convicted for his participation in the ceremony and began serving his one year prison term in Evin Prison September.