Female Activists Imprisoned for Attending Protests, Refusing “Virginity Test”

Female Activists Imprisoned for Attending Protests, Refusing “Virginity Test”
Female Activists Imprisoned for Attending Protests, Refusing “Virginity Test”


Two imprisoned student activists continue to be persecuted for peacefully protesting unjust policies and practices in Iran, including so-called “virginity tests.”

Charged with “assembly and collusion against national security” for peacefully participating in protests, Saha Mortezaei must now serve six years in prison after her sentence was upheld by Branch 54 of the Appeals Court in Tehran.

“For a while, the security agents had been warning Saha about her sit-in protests [starting in October 2019] against being denied enrollment in the University of Tehran’s doctorate program in political science and international relations,” a source with detailed knowledge of her case told the Center for Human Rights in Iran (CHRI) on February 10, 2021.

Speaking on condition of anonymity for fear of reprisals for speaking publicly, the source added, “When her protests continued into the November 2019 mass demonstrations and riots flared up at the University of Tehran, Saha was arrested on the night of November 17, 2019, at her student dormitory.”

Read the complete article at: Iran Human Rights



Two imprisoned student activists continue to be peIranrsecuted for peacefully protesting unjust policies and practices in Iran, including so-called “virginity tests.” Charged with “assembly and collusion against national security” for peacefully participating in protests, Saha Mortezaei must now serve six years in prison after her sentence was upheld by Branch 54 of the Appeals Court in Tehran. “For a while, the security agents had been warning Saha about her sit-in protests [starting in October 2019] against being denied enrollment in the University of Tehran’s doctorate program in political science and international relations,” a source with detailed knowledge of her case told the Center for Human Rights in Iran (CHRI) on February 10, 2021. Speaking on condition of anonymity for fear of reprisals for speaking publicly, the source added, “When her protests continued into the November 2019 mass demonstrations and riots flared up at the University of Tehran, Saha was arrested on the night of November 17, 2019, at her student dormitory.” Female Activists Female Activists
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