Amirali Alamehzadeh, an Iranian journalist working for the official Iranian news agency ILNA (Iranian Labour News Agency), has been arrested, the opposition website Jaras reports.
According to Jaras, Alamehzadeh was arrested last Saturday, and no information has been released as to the charges against him. No official government body has taken responsibility for the arrest of Alamehzadeh, who worked for ILNA’s international reports department.
A few days ago, it was reported that Mehrdad Sarjouyi, a reporter for a number of English-language dailies published in Iran, had been arrested at his home more than two months ago.
Over the past two years, journalism and activities in the arts and culture arena have become highly highly hazardous in Iran.
Last week, five Iranian documentary makers were arrested and charged with “collaboration with the BBC.”
While Iranian authorities have described the detainees as links in a network “providing the needs of the spying services of the old colonizer,” BBC has announced that it has no employees or collaborators in Iran.