Iran arrests and interrogators wife of slain political prisoner

April 5, 2011

According to reports, the family of political prisoner Mohsen Dokmeh Chi, who passed away after being denied the minimum medical attention for his cancer, has been banned from holding any kind of memorial service for him and have even been banned from residing in their home for one week.

The Dokmeh Chi family buried their loved one in section 301 in the Behesht Zahra Cemetery yesterday but has been banned from holding a service.

Mrs. Dokmeh Chi was arrested after returning from the funeral and was interrogated for hours in the Gish Security Police station. She was told not to hold any memorial services for her husband. Security forces have also told this family that they are not allowed to reside in their home for one week and have to leave their home. This measure by security forces comes from fear that people would gather in their home to express their condolences.

Notably, there was to be a memorial service on the third day of the slaying of this political prisoner in the Mosque in Sohrevardi Street but it has been stressed by security forces that such a service is banned. This family has been forced to promise not to attempt to hold any ceremony. (Center to Defend Families of those Slain and Detained in Iran – Mar. 31, 2011)


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