14 , April , 2011
Jailed student activists Bahareh Hedayat and Mehdieh Golrou were reportedly moved to solitary confinement in Evin Prison on Saturday.
Hadayat and Golrou had finally been allowed a visit from their families last Tuesday, after being denied any visits or phone calls for four months.
However, Jaras website reported today that when the families returned this Tuesday for their weekly visit, they were told the two activists had been moved to solitary confinement, and visits were prohibited.
Hedayat is an executive member and spokeswoman for Iran’s largest student organization, Tahkim-e Vahdat, as well as a member of the One Million Signatures Campaign to stop Discriminatory Laws.
She was last arrested in December of 2009 in the protests that followed the controversial re-election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. She has been sentenced to 9 ½ years in prison.
Golrou, a member of the Right to Education Council, was arrested in November of 2009 and is serving a three-year sentence.