Monavar Hashemi, the mother of jailed student activist Majid Dori, has expressed grave concern regarding her son’s condition in jail and she is urging the authorities to grant him sick leave.
Hashemi has told the Jaras website that her son has been suffering from severe migraine headaches that have been exacerbated in the past year, becoming more frequent and more intense.
She added that the family has put in an application for his sick leave, which remains unanswered.
Dori was arrested in July of 2009 and has not been given a furlough for the past four years. Dori, a student activist who is banned from continuing his education, has been sentenced to six years in jail, five of which must be spent in exile.
Monavar Hashemi reported that two days before Norooz, Dori’s father approached the prosecutor’s office in the hopes of getting him a furlough, but the authorities completely denied the request without providing any reason.
Hashemi describes the toll their son’s incarceration in exile has taken on them, adding that they are at their end of their rope.
Dori has written directly to Ahmad Shaheed, the UN special rapporteur on human rights conditions in Iran, protesting against the violation of his rights as an Iranian prisoner.
Source: Radiozamaneh