According to Jaras, journalist Sahameddin Bourghani was the previous director of Iranian Diplomacy website, which has no affiliation with the BBC network. He has been subjected to intense pressures due to his friendship with a number of journalists who had worked for publications within the country and later worked with BBC. Bourghani has been badgered and harassed in order to obtain a false confession against his old friends, which he has refused to do.
According to this report, the interrogating agents have lied to Bourghani and deceived him by asserting he would be released, then claiming his wife and friends had granted interviews to BBC about his arrest.
This prisoner’s grandfather is the father of Ahmad Bourghani and martyr Amir Bourghani. After going to Evin prison to visit his grandson, he was hospitalized due to the mental duress he was subject to and having to go up the multitude of stairs leading to the prison.
Sahameddin Bourghani was detained at his home and transferred to Evin prison on January 15, 2012. During his arrest, security agents raided and ransacked his home before escorting him away to prison. He is being held in Ward 2A of Evin prison which is under the supervision of the Revolutionary Guards.