Prison guards attack and beat young prisoners in Rajayi Shahr Prison


Freedom Messenger – According to reports, the Rajayi Shahr Prison guards attacked young prisoners in cellblock 5 and beat them under the excuse of conducting a search and destroyed their personal belongings.

On Thursday June 2, at about 10 am, prison guards violently took Cellblock 5 prisoners to the prison courtyard beating them with batons and then destroyed and broke their personal belonging under the excuse of conducting a search.

Cellblock 5 is so overpopulated that prisoners can only lie down in turns. Five prisoners are kept in every cell which is more than double its capacity. The cells do not have beds and prisoners sleep on the ground. One of the methods in which prison guards use to put pressure on prisoners is to transfer them to the courtyard where they force them to take their clothes off and then beat them with batons for a prolonged amount of time.

Currently more than 400 prisoners, between the ages of 19 to 26 are detained in cellblock 5. Narcotics are widely brought into the cellblock and a high number of prisoners are addicts.

Narcotics are smuggled in by prison officials and are put in the hands of prison gangs. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Jun. 4, 2011)



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