HRANA News Agency – Shahram Golchin’s lifeless body was delivered to his family after 20 days. He was one of the victims killed during the incidents that resulted in the death and injury of hundreds of detainees in Ghezel Hesar Prison in Karaj, Iran.
According to a report by Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), Shahram Golchin was detained by the Basiji militia in Ayatollah Kashani region and killed during the events that took place in Ghezel Hesar Prison. After more than two weeks of repeated threats, pleas and inquiries from his family, his death was confirmed, and the dead body was delivered to his relatives.
One of the prisoner’s friends told a HRANA reporter, “Shahram Golchin was arrested at a checkpoint in Ayatollah Kashani region because he was one of the most energetic and enthusiastic young men on the street. The same friend added, “There was no news of Shahram in prison after the riot. On March 19, 2011, because of his family’s insistence to see him, the authorities announced that he was in the prison hospital. However, according to the documents, we know that he was dead by then.”
Confirming that Shahram Golchin’s family had no news of him until after the Persian New Year holidays, this informed source told HRANA, “After the holidays and follow ups, it was determined that his dead body was in Karaj’s morgue, and lung infection was announced to be the cause of death.”
In reply to inquires about visible marks of beatings and torture, this eyewitness who had managed to see Shahram Golchin’s body said, “His legs and back were bruised, and the markings indicated that they were caused by the impact of a heavy and tubular shaped object. Head injuries and fracture were also evident.”
Because of threats from the security and intelligence agencies, the family of this prisoner has told acquaintances that Shahram was killed in a car accident.
In the final days of the year 1389 in Persian calendar [March 2011], widespread protests broke in Karaj’s Ghezel Hesar Prison against the execution of ten prisoners. Following this uprising, eighty prisoners were killed and more than 150 of them were injured. During these clashes, prison and anti-riot guards opened fire on the prisoners and used live ammunition.