Tehran is involved in the assassination of Hariri


The German magazine Spiegel, wrote in its latest issue: International tribunal for assassination of Rafiq Hariri, former prime minister of Lebanon, has informations which connect regime of Tehran to Hariri’s assasination.

Spiegel, quoting intelligence sources whose names are not revealed, wrote: The International tribunal has recently release names of four people charged and is following signs that relates Iranian regime to this case. The four people charge in Hariri’s assassination are all members of Hizbullah.

The government of Lebanon has announced that it has no sign of the accused and is not able to arrest them.

According to Spiegel’s report, Hariri’s court claims that the accused travelled to Iran in 2004 and spend several months in a Khomeini military base near Qom city, where they underwent military training for the terrorist operations.

The report adds: The trainings supervisors designed decorations similar to the scenes of terror and bombings in Lebanon, and even conducted explosion operation tests. The four accused of Harriri’s terror have left Lebanon, and at least three of them live in Iran now.



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