The war on Syria is a war on Iran, says Iranian top military official

The current war on Syria is a war on Iran, an Iranian top military official was quoted as saying on Friday by the semi-official ILNA news agency.

The comments by Iran’s Chief-of-Staff Maj. Gen. Hassan Feiruzabady followed the statements by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad during his meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi in Damascus earlier in the week. “Syria is not the only target, but the target is to put an end to the whole axis of resistance,” Assad told Salehi.

“What Mr. Bashar al-Assad has said is true, because Syria represents the front line for resistance facing the occupiers of Jerusalem. It has remained in that frontline for years,” the Iranian top official said. He was referring to the Israeli occupation by the “occupiers of Jerusalem.”

Feiruzabady, known for his close ties to the Iranian Supreme Guide Ali Khamenei, said that as long as “facing the Israeli aggression is considered one of the main goals and ambitions of the Iranian Islamic revolution, then both Iran and Syria should join hands in achieving this goal.”

The Syrian opposition has often accused Tehran of supporting the Syrian regime with weapons. The last few days have witnessed several statements by Iranian officials regarding means of Iranian interference in Syria.

Western members of the U.N. Security Council blasted Iran on Thursday for providing Assad with weapons to help him crush an 18-month-long uprising by rebels determined to topple his government.

“Iran’s arms exports to the murderous Assad regime in Syria are of particular concern,” U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice told the 15-nation council during a meeting on the world body’s Iran sanctions regime.

The allegation, reported by Reuters on Wednesday, said arms transfers were organized by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

British Ambassador Mark Lyall Grant echoed Rice’s condemnation of arms transfers to Syria.

“This is unacceptable and it must stop,” he said. “It is in stark contrast to the will of the Syrian people and a reminder of Iran’s hypocrisy in claiming to support freedom in the Arab world.”

German Ambassador Peter Wittig said worries about Iranian support for Assad “are aggravated by unsettling recent reports indicating that Iran is shipping arms to Syria under a humanitarian pretext.”

Neither Russia nor China, which have joined forces in vetoing three resolutions that would have condemned Assad’s assault on the opposition, mentioned the allegations about arms shipments to Syria.

Source: Alarabiya

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