Young political prisoner loses hearing as result of torture in Evin Prison

April 17, 2011

A young political prisoner identified as Ahamd Shah Rezayi who has been detained in Evin Prison since June 2010, has lost his hearing in one of his ears because of torture. According to reports, this 29 year old political prisoner was arrested in Enqelab Street in the June 12 street protests. 
Rezayi had come out on the street with a green headband with the words, ‘death to dictator’ written on it and was arrested by Bassij and plainclothes agents. A Bassij agent violently pulled his long hair and then cut his hair in public with a knife and then yelled to the crowds on the scene that, ‘this is the result of being a seditionist’. 
After his arrest, he was transferred to the 2A cellblock in Evin Prison for 10 days and was then thrown in solitary in cellblock 240 for 74 days. 
He has lost his hearing in his right ear because of the tortures during his interrogations.
The family of this political prisoner did not know of his whereabouts before his transfer to public cellblock 350 and have not been able to visit their son in prison thus far. 
Ahmad Shah Rezayi was sentenced to three years of prison in a court of first instance. A court of review later lowered his sentence to one and a half years of prison. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Apr. 16, 2011)






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