According to Farhad Denshjoo, chancellor of one of Iran’s Free Islamic Universities, over 80% of lecturers at the private educational establishment are to be vetted by student members of the Basij militia. He called on the latter to spend the next three months investigating appointees’ backgrounds and passing the information on to the personnel department.
The Free Islamic Universities of Iran were established as independent academic centres three years after the 1979 Islamic Revolution. Most directors are political leaders and MPs, including Hashemi Rafsanjani, who has twice been the country’s president.
The Revolutionary Guards and Basij militias are increasingly involved in the social and political life of the country, and academic centres are their most recent target for ideological attacks. Guards commander Ali Akbar Ahmadian says the elite force “regards itself as a custodian of the Islamic Revolution, and consequently has every right to be involved in all aspects of the social, political and cultural life of the country.”
Source: Sharhzad News