Deteriorating of Mr. Boroujerdi’s Physical Condition following an Attempt on his Life


Based on Report sent to the “Human Rights Activists for Democracy in Iran” on Friday, in 9 March 2012, there was made an attempt on Mr. Kazemeini Boroujerdi’s life, the prominent religious leader who has spent more than 2,000 days in prison without any leave. His health condition is critical and he has the symptoms of severe poisoning.

Apparently, Mr. Boroujerdi’s food was poisoned by two prisoners. And since then both of those prisoners have been on leave and they are not available.

Over the past few months, this is the second attempt on this prisoner who opposed to religious Supreme Leadership. International Human Rights societies and defenders were protested against the failed attempt on Mr. Boroujerdi’s life previously. Also, it has been mentioned in the recent report by the Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Iran.

It should be noted that in October 2006, Mr. Boroujerdi’s mother who was arrested with him, and was also poisoned in the prison with the same method and then she was released from prison. Finally, she died in February of that year because of problems of her digesting system.

Mr. Boroujerdi’s family kindly request all human rights organizations and individuals to do an immediate urgent action in this regards while they know Ali Khamenei as a direct responsible for his life.

Human Rights Activists for Democracy in Iran, condemns the attempt on Mr. Kazemeini Boroujerdi’s life, the dissident cleric, which was made against him by the agents of Religious Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei And requests the High Commissioner for Human Rights and other international authorities to send the crimes against humanity case of the Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei to the UN Security Council in order to take the necessary enforced decisions.

Source: insideofiran
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