Imprisoned activist Abdollah Momeni interrogated again by prison officials


No reason has been disclosed for the latest interrogations. However according to the laws of the Islamic Republic, it is illegal to interrogate a prisoner who has already been handed down his verdict and is serving his sentence.

Per reports by Kalame, after Abdollah Momeni wrote a letter to the Supreme Leader detailing the tortures he had suffered during his interrogations, another court dossier was created for him. Now prison intelligence officials are without explanation subjecting this prisoner to further interrogations.

According to the report, recently the political prisoners at Evin’s ward 350 have been subjected to even harsher pressures. A few days ago imprisoned journalist Mohammad Davari was illegally interrogated and threatened for writing a letter about the atrocities at Kahrizak detention center. Seyed Mohammad Ebrahimi is another prisoner who was illegally interrogated and threatened by judiciary officials after he shared information about the tortures he endured while being held in ward 209 of Evin prison.

Judiciary officials have already deprived political prisoners of their civil rights including their right to a lawyer, prison furlough, and in-person visitations. In addition now they threaten the prisoners with lengthier prison sentences.

Abdollah Momeni, spokesperson for the Alumni Association of Iran (Advar-e Tahkim-e Vehdat), was arrested on June 20, 2009 in the building of the Headquarters of Free Citizens, a group supporting Mehdi Karoubi. He was held in solitary confinement and interrogated for three months in Evin prison’s wards 209 and 240.

In September 2010, Momeni wrote a letter to Ayatollah Khamenei detailing the tortures he had faced during his imprisonment. Abdollah Momeni’s letter addressed to the Supreme Leader spoke of the “physical torture, pushing prisoners’ heads in toilet bowls, insulting prisoners with obscenities and telling prisoners that the judge and the court has no role in their fate.” He asked that a fact-finding committee be formed to investigate the conditions of the prisons in the Islamic Republic. But not only did this not happen, but now Abdollah Momeni has been faced with additional interrogations and charges of disturbing the public and publishing lies.



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