Iran Breifing: A top Iranian military official hit back at US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton for her hawkish comments on Iran, stressing that Tehran is fully prepared for a tough, direct confrontation against the US. Masoud Jazayeri
“Although the talk of ‘all options against Iran being on the table’ is a propaganda at the United States’ current conditions, the Islamic Iran is ready for decisive and crushing action against any American option,” Deputy Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Brigadier General Massoud Jazayeri said Friday. Masoud Jazayeri Masoud Jazayeri Masoud Jazayeri
His comments came after Clinton reiterated her hawkish foreign policy at a speech in San Diego on Thursday, saying, “The world must understand that the United States will act decisively if necessary, including with military action, to stop Iran from getting a nuclear weapon. In particular, Israel’s security is non-negotiable. They’re our closest ally in the region and we have a moral obligation to defend them.”
Elsewhere in his remarks, General Jazayeri emphasized that the Iranian Armed Forces never look for a war, but made it clear that they do not lose a moment to boost defense capabilities.
Should the US carry out its threat to take military action against Iran, the country’s Armed Forces are ready to “rid the humanity of the US bellicose and hegemonic policies in an actual and direct battle,” he added.
In late March, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei had underscored the need for boosting Iran’s defense capabilities, warning that enemies are making use of every tool available to undermine the Islamic Republic.
Ayatollah Khamenei said at the time that if the Islamic establishment seeks technology and negotiations but lacks defense might, it will have to buckle in the face of any weak country that poses threat to it. Masoud Jazayeri Masoud Jazayeri Masoud Jazayeri Masoud Jazayeri