Iranian activist to serve 7 years in jail

Iranian activists and journalist Nasour Taghipour has been arrested to serve out a seven-year sentence.

The Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA) reports that Taghipour’s sentence has been approved by the appellate court and he was summoned yesterday to serve out his sentence at Evin Prison.

Taghipour was arrested in March of 2010 in Qazvin, on the day that the Islamic Republic carried out a widespread crackdown on human rights activists, arresting 46 of them.

The crackdown led to stiff prison terms and heavy fines for members of the Human Rights Activists of Iran as well as damage to six of their websites.

After being held in solitary confinement for 110 days, Taghipour was released on bail in June of 2010 and was later sentenced to seven years in prison.

Taghipour was charged with “membership in the Human Rights Activists of Iran” and “propaganda against the regime.”

The 29-year-old IT graduate is not a member of the human rights organization and has only served at its web designer.

Taghiour also ran a website called Nasour that archived literary articles.

Source: Radiozamaneh

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