Iranian Terrorist Designated IRGC’s Bags of Dollars in Southern Syria

In recent months, the Iranian terrorist designated Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) has been sending bags full of dollars to several destinations in the southern Syrian towns, in the Houran and Golan regions, in order to recruit the local people for its political and ideological goals.

The money reaches a number of community leaders in the city of As-Suwayda, members of the Arab Druze community, some of whom were known to support the regime, and showed a shift towards Iran and its paid militias, as well as the Lebanese Hezbollah, according to various local reports.

They also sent money to Qarfa town, which Iran succeeded in converting from Sunni to the Shiite sect.

Last year, the “Information Center on Intelligence and Terrorism” published an overflowing report on Iran’s efforts of converting the Sunni population to Shiism in Syria and talked about a “huge settlement campaign” in various Syrian territories.

According to a new report, Iranian activity is currently expanding, especially in the southern and eastern regions, as well as near the border with Lebanon, where they are buying homes and land in huge numbers, and bringing new residents from Iran itself or from other Shiite population groups from several countries in the region, such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, and others, and they also take advantage of the poverty and financial hardship of the local population, setting up charities to lure the population.

The report indicated that this Iranian activity worries the Syrian regime and is also causing concern for Russia and several countries in the region.

The Quds Force, Iranian IRGC’s extraterritorial operations arm, helps arm, train, and otherwise support numerous insurgent and rebel groups in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, the Palestinian territories, and other areas, and its activities are part of why numerous countries have labeled Iran the “world’s leading sponsor of terrorism.”

Source: Asharq AL-awsat | International and Arab News
Also read: Iranian Diplomat Charged With Assassination of a Publisher in Norway

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