IRGC urban war town set up to confront youths, In fear of escalation of street clashes between youths and the security forces, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) set up an “urban war town” to confront the youths and people’s uprising. Pasdar Bigdeli, the IRGC’s defense deputy in Tehran said that this town is built for Basij forces to practice urban war, and they will use real guns and bullets to be ready to confront any problem, a Basij press website reported on August 17.
“A paintball Tournament is one of the programs to increase the level of preparedness of the IRGC personnel and Basij militia forces for battles,” Bidgeli said.
According to Basij press, the regime will review the tactics of urban war in IRGC’s paintball tournament in Tehran. “Paintball exercise is done by two approaches. The approach we have focused on is addressing the paintball combat techniques and also considering the tactics of urban war,” Bigdeli said.