Mr. Kenneth R. Timmerman, on your website you have published an exclusive photo of Imad Mughnieh with the Iranian leader Khamenei. However, this photo is a fake one and it turned out to be adulterated by Ali Reza Soleiman Pak also known as Hamid Reza Zakeri. Pak/Zakeri is a former Iranian agent; a “fabricator of a monumental proportion”, a term used by a CIA official and quoted in your own book “Countdown to Crisis”. You were notified about this fabrication along with an explanation through email and yet you have decided to keep it on your site for some reason. As an investigative reporter do you find it compatible with ethical journalism and do you consider it to be legal?
We hope you uphold the genuine and honest fight for democracy for Iran based on truth, facts, and working with those who have values and character; and not based on fabrications. We hope in the fight for democracy in Iran, you work and associate with people of great character and not with people of questionable character and with serious fraudulent records in their life as well as in the court of law and by prominent news sites and officials. We can’t fight dictatorship and a totalitarian regime with falsehood, deceit, fabrications, and lies.
![On the left Photo Mohammad Salimi the former commander-in-chief of the Iranian Army, right photo fabricated photo of Imad Mughnie by Hamid Reza Zakeri](
![Screen shot 2013-07-30 at 12.23.41 AM](
Photo obtained or adulterated by Hamid Reza Zakeri (Alireza Soleiman Pak) of Imad Mughnie (FBI’s top most wanted man for decades) with Khamenei and exclusively presented to you, has several serious flaws. Hamid Reza Zakeri does not know the alphabets of IRGC. He has a proven record of fabrications, adulteration, forgery, lies, and creating fake documents.
First of all, it seems Zakeri does not know the difference between some details of Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and Iran’s regular Army and their ranks. By looking at the adulterated photo of supposedly Imad Mughnieh, you notice that the rank on his uninform is the Army rank, and not IRGC rank. Almost everyone in Iran and throughout the world, who claim to know a little bit about Iran and Hezbollah and IRGC’s Quods Force, know that Imad Mughniae belonged to Iran’s IRGC and its Quds Force and not the Army.
Photoshop was used (albeit not skillfully) to cut the head of Mughniaheh from another photo and transpose it over a different person with an Army uniform and rank! Then he has tried to blur the whole photo to make it difficult to recognize and clearly pinpoint the fabrication. Zakeri is a master of fabrication, lies, and deceit and people who have been working with him should now realize that it is time to dump this guy for good and not use him as a source of information, news, or facts. Zakeri is a former interrogator (according to his own words and writings) and not a former Intelligence officer.
We believe these types of unethical behavior, forgeries and fabrications in fact , hurt the struggle for democracy for Iran. These fabrications indeed make fun of those of us who genuinely are fighting for democracy in Iran. These types of behavior are exactly what the Iranian regime does to frame people and the opposition. The Iranian regime has more than enough negative and evil records that there is no need for fabrications to make up stories that later could easily turn out to be a joke; such as exactly what you have on your website; given to you by a prominent fabricator.
On this video clip, you have talked highly about him, his heroism, and his service to the United States and that he should be rewarded for his service. Would you please elaborate on this (if you still believe he has done such a great service to the United States) and what these acts of heroism and service are? Do you still believe that his testimony about the 9/11 attack was accurate and he was an honest witness?
Here are some facts about Ali Reza Soleiman Pak (Hamid Reza Zakeri) and his testimony from various sources:
1- Regarding Zakeri’s meeting in US Embassy in Baku, Azerbaijan, “We have no record that he made any such claim. And he is a fabricator of monumental proportions.”
2- According to Spiegel Online, the witness is an extremely dubious figure. The Iranian “Hamid Reza Zakeri” who is thought to have worked as a double agent for the Iranian secret service and the CIA. He is well known to Western secret services and is considered to be a gossip and windbag who cannot tell truth from fiction.
3- German Law Journal: The witness turned out to be an Iranian, Hamid Reza Zakeri, whose evidence contributed little to clarify the facts. He apparently acted as a double agent for the Iranian secret service and the CIA and is regarded to be a rather dubious person.
4- New York Times: “after questioning by the judges and defense lawyers, a prosecutor acknowledged contradictions in the man’s testimony.”,%20HAMID%20REZA&field=per&match=exact
5- Focus Online labels Zakeri as “Stupid and Storyteller”
In German: Der politisch unbequeme Zeuge Zakeri, von Berliner Regierungsstellen kürzlich schnell als Idiot und Märchenerzähler eingestuft, gewinnt mittlerweile an Profil. „Seine Glaubwürdigkeit steigt von Stunde zu Stunde“, urteilt ein Ermittler. In einem Vermerk des BKA-Staatsschutzreferats 36 vom 26. Januar 2004 liest sich das so: „Bis zum heutigen Tag sind keine Angaben des Zeugen bekannt, die sich als falsch herausgestellt und daher Zweifel an der Glaubwürdigkeit begründet hätten.“
6- His report on Ferdo nuclear explosion was even ridiculed by the Israeli media.
We are wondering whether you still believe Zakeri is a hero for the United States. Wouldn’t this be an insult to the real heroes and heroines of the United States? Those with character and honesty as their most important values? We were wondering, has anyone benefited financially from these fabrications? How could someone who claims to have character still believe in this person and continue working with him? The organization “Foundation for Democracy for Iran” registered under your name seems to contain more fabrications, distortions, and lies of Zakeri than any facts about democracy for Iran. We also invite you to spend a few minutes on Zakeri’s Facebook and see some of the misinformation he is using to blackmail, threat, deceive, and commit extortions. For example he writes that he lives in Washington D.C., has a U.S. phone number, has been to NASA with Reza Kahlili (a former CIA agent), has a university degree, is in contact with various Intelligence agencies and so on.
We hope those with ethics and character and those who are fighting for Human Rights and Freedom and Democracy, by no means resort to fabrications or working with former interrogators who infamously are known to be liars; and publicly condemn these types of fabrications and lies. We will be notifying various media and sites about this fabrication.
*Some information is obtained from
Updates February 10, 2018:
“Alireza Soleiman Pak” known as “Hamid Reza Zakeri” & “Pouria Javaherian” is charged with murder& fraud, arrested and sent to jail in Georgia.