Ahmad Karimi the exiled political prisoner in Gonbad Kavoos prison who was sentenced to 15 years and 3 months of imprisonment, is sentenced to one more year imprisonment during a new trial.
According to a report, lately the Tehran court in Vanak formed a new dossier for Ahmad Karimi the exiled political prisoner in Gonbad Kavoos prison and sentenced him to one year imprisonment on charge of crossing border illegally.
During the trial session Ahmad’s lawyer was not present and all the accusations were repeated which is forbidden according to the laws to sentence someone to an accusation twice.
On the other hand Ahmad Karimi’s family has complained about the way prison authorities are dealing with them and the very short duration of their visits with Ahmad.
One of Ahmad’s relatives said to HRANA corespondent that “During the Iranian new year holidays Ahmad’s family traveled to Gonbad Kavoos from Tehran despite of long distance and costly trip to visit Ahmad but the prison authorities just let them to visit Ahmad for 15 minutes and while they had permission letter from prosecutor office they were waiting from 8 A.M. till 1:30 P.M to be allowed to visit Ahmad.”
“Each time his family visiting him they should get permission from head of the prison and at least an agent will be present during the visit. The authorities are very harsh with this family and their rigor annoying Ahmad’s family a lot”, He continued.
Ahmad Karimi the political prisoner who sentenced to 15 years and 3 months exiled imprisonment in Gonbad Kavoos prison is in the worst ward of this prison and his family could not visit him weekly because of long distance.
Also Ahmad Karimi, Hadi Ghaemi and Jamal Aminzade are the only political prisoners who are imprisoned without considering categorization of prisoners’ rule.
Source: HRANA