Iranian foreign minister: U.S. ‘cannot expect to stay safe’ because of ‘economic war’
Iranian foreign minister: U.S. ‘cannot expect to stay safe’ because of ‘economic war’
The war of words between the United States and Iran continued as Mohammad Javad Zarif, Iran’s foreign minister, railed against the U.S. during a joint press conference in Tehran, Iran with Heiko Maas, Germany’s foreign minister.
Zarif said that the U.S. “cannot expect to stay safe” after starting what he called an American “economic war” against Iran.
According to Zarif, “Mr. Trump himself has announced that the U.S. has launched an economic war against Iran. The only solution for reducing tensions in this region is stopping that economic war.”
“Whoever starts a war with us will not be the one who finishes it,” he added.
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